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MALCOLM GLADWELL /// "Choice, Happiness, Spaghetti"

How Malcolm Gladwell Supports VisualTargeting®

In this exquisite talk Malcolm Gladwell shows how "the way we think about taste" was "democratized" in the food industry about 20 years ago. By explaining this he actually proves the fundamentals of the Visual Targeting innovation in the industry of design. Each point of his talk is precisely relevant to the Visual Targeting concept, besides the fact that culinary taste and visual taste differ and require different ways to be measured and analyzed. People should not be asked to say what they think they like. They cannot always explain their own desires and tastes. How people feel about spaghetti sauce is of enormous importance. It's also true "mustard does not exist on a hierarchy, there are kinds of mustard suiting different kinds of people" and by underscoring variability "we aren't just making an error, we are doing ourselves a massive disservice."

To convince the audience that our tastes matter, such a prominent writer had to speak for almost 20 minutes, at such an honorable setting, 20 years after the revolutionary change, and after all profits made on the reinvented spaghetti sauce! How can Visual Targeting get everybody agreed quicker on the fact that we the people have visual tastes and desires, which matter and are of enormous importance. They are not often clearly recognized but they do determine people's choices and behaviors. What Is Seen is capable to make us feel "deliriously happy" if it matches our visual taste. Visual Targeting discovers unique market slices' visual tastes empowering designers and market researchers unlike ever before to discover exact "perfect" visual varieties of whatever product or idea they are selling, to maximize consumer appeal and therefore profitability.

About The Speaker

TED.com* About Malcolm Gladwell, Writer. "Detective of fads and emerging subcultures, chronicler of jobs you never knew existed, Malcolm Gladwell's work is toppling the popular understanding of bias, crime, food, marketing, race, consumers and intelligence.

Malcolm Gladwell searches for the counterintuitive in what we all take to be the mundane, cookies, sneakers, pasta sauce. A New Yorker staff writer since 1996, he visits obscure laboratories and infomercial set kitchens as often as the hangouts of freelance cool hunters and for that has become a star lecturer and bestselling author.

Sparkling with curiosity, undaunted by difficult research (yet an eloquent, accessible writer), his work uncovers truths hidden in strange data. His always delightful blog tackles topics from serial killers to steroids in sports, while provocative recent work in the New Yorker sheds new light on the Flynn effect, the decades spanning rise in I.Q. scores.

Gladwell has written two books. The Tipping Point, which began as a New Yorker piece, applies the principles of epidemiology to crime (and sneaker sales), while Blink examines the unconscious processes that allow the mind to "thin slice" reality and make decisions in the blink of an eye. A third book is forthcoming."


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